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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In order to help promote their new product line and innovative new cereal packaging, Beech-Nut is giving Goodies for Mom readers the chance to win one of three (3) Beech-Nut totes backed with their products. The totes contain:
(2) jars of Good Morning (soluable fiber)
(2) jars Beech-Nut DHA plus+ (including the new Wild Alaskan Salmon)
(2) jars Good Evening (Whey Protein and prebiotics)
(2) Easy Pour dry cereals enhanced with DHA
(1) DHA plus+ yogurt blend
How to Win
To win, just visit Beech-Nut site. Then leave a comment on this post on our site with your favorite of their new products and an e-mail.
Deadline is Sunday, May 25 at midnight EST. Open to US residents only.
Beech-Nut's New Products
Beech-Nut is introducing 17 new innovative all-natural products, including the first-of-its-kind yogurt-blend fruit and vegetable juice drinks, new products enhanced with DHA, and unique dry cereals and jarred food varieties. Included also are the first infant and baby food varieties in the U.S. to include seafood, whole wheat, and muesli.
They also recently introduced a unique easy pour packaging for its dry cereal. Cereal stays fresh and pours easily, which eliminates the mess. The packaging is similar to some juice and milk containers but it is the first time that has been brought to a cereal.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Giveaway and New Product Line from Beech-Nut
Product News
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I'm first! I like the idea of the whole wheat pasta! Sounds almost good enough to eat :)
Whole wheat with raisins--sounds good.
I like the DHA plus+TM
my baby is 6 months and is starting out on solids can't wait to try these out.
The new products look great! I love the "Good Morning" and "Good Evening" juice blends! Thank you for the giveaway!
I like the new Apple Delight! Sounds good, makes me even consider eating it. :)
laurachilton {at} hotmail {dot} com
My son is 4 months old and we are very excited about feeding solid foods. I like that beechnut has such a variety to choose from the new packaging of the cereal will make it much easy to prepare one handed. I'm also glad that they are making more varieties with DHA. Downloaded the feeding guide too and can't wait to read it.
I love the new juice blends...
The DHA Plus Yogurt Blends sound like an awesome product!
I'm always trying to find different foods and flavors for my daughter to try. I think I'll pick up some the Good Morning Muesli with Yogurt & Raisins or the food with Salmon.
The whole wheat is a major plus, they didn't offer that when mine were babies!
what great nutrition...from the whole wheat to dha the giveaway
3beez at bellsouth dot net
Wow - I didn't even know they have the juice blends! Even if I don't win, I'm going to go find them & try them out. Thanks!
Whole wheat pasta! Juice blends! amazing! thanks for the opportunity to win!
jes AT beautyfromchaos DOT com
I love the easy pour cereals and the yogurt blends!
The new varieties sound wonderful, especially the sweet potatoes with salmon... I want to eat it!! Please enter me!
num1twinkie at yahoo dot com
I love the easy pur cereal containers!
I can't wait to start our Gianna on Whole Wheat Pasta with Tomato Sauce. It will prepare her for a lifetime of my great homemade spaghetti sauce! Love this giveaway, especially in these economic times.
I would love to win. I really like the yogurt blends and the cereals like Country Breakfast.
the yogurt blends look great!
The yogurt blend looks grate!
mmmmmmmmmthe new apple delight.
The Apple Delight is one of my favorites. Thanks for this giveaway.
My daughter loves the cinamon rasin granola
The Good Morning Chiquita Banana Juice with Yogurt is one of my son's favorites. I like to keep one in the diaper bag when I run errands. I don't have to mess with an ice pack and it's siple to pour it into a sippy.
the juice blends sound great
tiramisu392 (at)
I would love to try the new DHA plus sweet potatoes & wild Alaskan salmon, it sounds delicious! My little girl would love it! Thanks for the great giveaway!
ann dot guns at mac dot com
we like the new good morning and good night foods. we would love to try the alaskan salmon.
i hope i win. my son goes through baby food like crazy.
bwalleshauser AT yahoo DOT com
The DHA plus+TM
New juice blends sound great - Apple Delight is my first choice.
Sue. email:
I particularly like the whole grain with raspberries. I've been buying more Beech Nut now that they've added the new flavors/combos. Great giveaway!
the enw juice blends are great
I love any of the Table Time products. I'm glad they came out with the fruit puffs.
mueli with apples is my baby gils fave new flave!
The Sweet Potatoes and Wild Alaskan Salmon sounds awesome. We'll have to try that right away. Thanks.
Whole Wheat Pasta Parmesan is a winner!
The yogurt blends sound delicious. Thanks!
elaa would love the DHA plus+TM
moore.g at
any of the yogurt blends with juice.
im so happy that the value of yogurt is known! the blends sound great
the easy pour cereals
what great nutrition...from the whole wheat to DHA the giveaway!
I think to this is a great upgrade their line of products! The whole wheat pasta sounds great! As does the yogurt blends! Well done!
love the easy pur cereal containers
Blogged ya! Link
The yogurt blends are great.
I love the new easy to pour dry cereal containers. The old boxes were a pain and I was always afraid that bugs could get in.
I like the sound of the yogurt blends. Great giveaway! Count me in. bebemiqui82(at)yahoo(dot)com
I like the easy pour cereal.
I like the yogurt blends.
My daughter would love the whole wheat pasta with parmesean :)
I feed my babies beech-nut products because they have wonderful varieties and fit our budget. My babies have always loved the Tender Golden Sweet Potatoes, I am excited about the DHA enhanced baby foods and whole wheat options too!
I love the new cereal containers. I can't tell you how many times I've had to scrape up spilled cereal after I'm done pouring.
I don't know about the salmon and sweet potatoes. Doesn't sound good to me. The raspberry and cereal does though.
whole wheat pasta!!!
Definitely the design of the cereal pours out so nicely! And I like how the cereal comes formulated for morning and evening, as well as so many of their foods. I have tried a few things with my baby, and he loves it all!
tfisher83 AT myexcel DOT com
The Good Morning Chiquita Banana Juice with Yogurt sounds great. (Now if my kids will only share :)_
i like the apple delight
apple delight for sure...YUM
I like the organic baby food
i like the organic baby food.
The whole wheat pasta is a great addition!
plug in my vote for the dha+multi grain w/ apples & yogurt
I like that it's organic.
Sweet Potatoes & Wild Alaskan Salmon, wow, that's living the high life :)
i love the juice blends and the new cereal packages...beechnut is a wonderful company....they are always adding to their line.
DHA plus+TM Sweet Potatoes sounds delicious and nutritious!
I think the easy pour cereal package will make life easier. thanks for this opportunity to win Beech-nut products.
Beech nut is the only brand my son eats. I just tried the juice blends which he really enjoyed and I love the varieties of dinner meals you can buy for stage 3!
edq143 at yahoo dot com
The yogurt blend sounds good. My sons loves yogurt and beach-nut has great products. Thanks for the contest!
Whole Wheat pasta.
I would love to win. My son is 5 months and will be starting food soon. katie_mmartin at yahoo dot com
The whole wheat pasta sounds like a great product for my little one.
I think that the whole grain cereals are a wonderful idea. Then the old stand by of Mac & cheese (nothing like starting off a baby early).
I prefer the original mainstays.
I think whole grain baby products are great because the baby gets used to these products while still young and won't resist later on.
My son's favorite is the Good Morning Muesli with Yogurt & Raisins. He loves it!
I really like the new Mixed Berry Yogurt Blend with Juice- I think my DS will really like it!
My baby is 5 months and just starting to eat cereal, so my fav is the new cereal, I can't wait to try it! Email is:
Sweet Potatoes and Salmon sounds interesting! Thanks!
ralphandtara at gmail dot com
Such a nice blog. I hope you will create another post like this.
anything salmon and the whole wheat pasta
This Goodies for Mom (and baby too!sweepstakes has been featured on Sweepstakes Advantage, The Web's Largest Directory of Free Online Sweepstakes. Good Luck to Everyone!
The apple delight sounds Yum! I also love the whole wheat :)
Thanks for the contest!!!
We'd love to try out the yougurt blend juice packs!
I blogged you on Prize-A-Tron!
The yogurt with the added DHA sounds like a great product, thanks!
With a 4 month old grandson an 2 more grandbabies on the way,we sure could use this,our favorite is the rice cereal,an then the bananas,I used to give the baby a bite an then Id take a bite,I know,but its so good,lol,Mamaw knows better but hey its good,please count us in too,thanks
I love anything with Salmon!
I like the sweet potatoes and salmon :)
I have always trusted beech-nut and my 2nd baby is starting out on baby food these products seem wonderful and yummy the bag is great to hold all the jars insread of plastic bags.
i like the new DHA plus+
Apple Delight
I like the sound of the Mixed Berry DHA plus yogurt blend with juice.
the dha plus yogurt blends with juice tropical fruit sounds good
The sweet potato and salmon jarred food. Salmon isn't something that's normally a part of a baby food line. Great way to encourage new tastes and foods.
we always loved bananas but let me tell you that apple delight sure sounds great
The DHA Plus sweet potato sounds like a winner. My little one can always go for those, but DHA is an added plus--thanks!
Whole grain with raspberry? Baby looks full - here's some for me!
Love the yoguarts with the wheat products for glutein free. Many Thanks SW
I like the yogurt products. We are getting ready to start solids with our first baby and this set would be WONDERFUL!
kara {dot} l {dot} taylor {at} gmail {dot} com
I like Beech-Nut's new juice blends.
I like the new juices and the idea of muesli.
Pureed fruits :)
My granddaughter has just started to eat baby food and I know my daughter feeds her the Beech-Nut brand of organic foods. I'd like to win the prize pack for her
Beech-Nut meals can be pleasurable and fun for kids.
Great contest. They all sound yummy
The yogurt blends are great~!
yogurt blends with juice-mixed berry is my favorite, thanks!
I love the DHA enhanced products!
The new easy pour package rice is the best - my favorite new product!
Love the new easy poor cereal, why didn't that come out sooner? :)
yogurt blends are great
whole grain cereal with raspberries sounds interesting! i really like the beech nut products! twilli does too! we could sure use the win! ;-)
renee [at] design-dp [dot] com
Loved that they're starting babies on healthy eating.
The easy pour dry cereals! Thanks for the giveaway!!
The yogurt blend sounds good. I really like the added DHA that really enhances the health value.
The new juice blends.
The easy pour cereal is great...
The DHA Plus Yogurt Blends sound like an great product!
My grandson likes yogurt.He loves his food. ty 4 the contest!
whole wheat pasta
Whole Wheat Pasta Parmesan
my daughter likes everything in the beech-nut line - haven't tried the salmon yet but will look for it the next time I go to the store
Muesli with apples
Beech-Nut, certainly a trusted name...I think the DHA plus+TM
Whole Grain Cereal with Raspberries sounds great!
guysrose at aol dot com
I want to win
It is a great contest. Yogurt blends with DHA plus+. thanks for sponsoring this contest.
I would have to say the juice blends are my favorite!
I love the "Good Morning" and "Good Evening" juice blends
I love the juice blends.
I also like the DHA Plus Yogurt Blends! Thanks a lot for the contest! My three month old will thank you if I win! :) emiliemostad at
Juice blends
I am impressed with the DHA plus products but I think the first we are trying will be the Good morning Line...always good to be regular!
The Whole Wheat Pasta sounds good!
jaydonco1 (at) aol (dot) com
the juice blends
the mueseli
My baby girl LOVES the Apple Delight it's her favorite! I also like the easy pour cereal!
I love the new whole wheat options, and all of their products are top notch.
i love the new easy pour rice cereal.
I like the new design of the easy pour cereal -- I always have problems with the traditional boxes, getting cereal all over the place!
the yogurt blends
We just tried the Apple delight and my son loves it. I'd love a chance to win some more. Thanks!
I love the new juice blends and yogurt too!! They have so much to choose from!
My daughter has already tried the new Stage 3 Alaskan Salmon and Sweet Potato dinner with DHA. It sounds so "posh" for babies!! No wonder why she loves every bite of it!!
By far my favorite is the Easy Pour Cereal in any flavor. Gone are the days of mixing it yourself. Can't tell you how many times I screwed that up (blamed it on lack of sleep, of course). Hope I win!
I like the Good Morning cinnamon raisin granola. None of them sound good to me, of course, because I'm pregnant, but my kids would love them.
The banana yogurt juice looks like it would a delicious for my daughter. Thanks for a great giveaway!
I'm most interested in the whole wheat pasta!
I'm loving the idea of whole wheat everything!!
Christy @ Multitasking Mama
Good Evening Veggie Delight sounds great
Arrowroot Cookies
The yogurt blends sound good. My son loves anything yogurt. Thanks for the giveaway.
The juice sounds good.
I love the Good Evening Veggie Delight Juice!
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