Monday, April 20, 2009

Aunt LaLa’s Log Baby Journal

The Aunt LaLa’s log by RosieBear is a chic and stylish baby log with daily charts for marking down every feeding, nap, and dirty diaper that occurs in your newborns first months.

Don’t be digging through a pile of post-its when your pediatrician asks you how much your baby eats. These beautiful handmade logs gives you one place to keep track of all of the important happenings, including feedings, poops, shots, and general growth. A journal like this is particularly helpful with preemies and multiples when tracking their progress is even more important and often difficult.

We tracked those first weeks on scratch pads and chalkboards also due to both my boys having jaundice as newborns. Every feeding and bowl movement was documented to make sure their little bodies were working hard to flush out out that billirubin.

[Check out the Aunt LaLa’s log now.]

About RosieBear
RosieBear is owned by two sisters—Deena “Rosie” and Lisa “Bear” - who have come together to create these handmade logs.

Rosie was a toy marketing executive in Los Angeles before having two little girls and creating the impetus for the log; Bear was the ingenious sister who saw a need, honed her crafty background and put together the book in less than a day.