Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Goody Bag Marketing Submission Form

250 – 4”X6” postcards, Cost = $100.00*
250 – 2” X3.5” business cards, Cost = $50.00*
250 2"X3.5” black and white ad on a flyer (along with other ads), Cost = $35.00*

250 Supply your own cards or brochures, a $25.00 inclusion fee**

If you have any questions or would like information on additional sponorship opportunities, please contact advertising@goodiesformom.com.

*Artwork should be sent to advertising@goodiesformom.com. The format can be JPG, EPS, PSD or GIF. Minimum resolution is 300dpi at print size. If you do not have artwork, please e-mail the information you would like on your material and you will be contacted with a proof of the ad shortly. Please note artwork deadline.

**Promotional material must be received by the material deadline to be ensured inclusion in the next set of bags. Materials received after the deadline will be include in the following distribution. Maximum size is 8 1/2" X 11." You will receive instructions on where to send your material shortly after you submit your form and payment. Pickups may be arranged locally.

Terms: There are no refunds on orders requiring production of promotional materials after submission. The Insertation Fee is refundable up until deadline for receiving materials. Promotional materials already shipped to us cannot be returned to sender.

*Goodies for Mom reserves the right to reject placement. You will be notified and all funds refunded promptly.

Last updated: June 25, 2009